This Copyright Notice applies to your use of the services (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) provided SJTU-BOC Institute of Technology & Finance (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”).

1. General Provisions: Your access to the Website through the user registration page means that you have agreed to enter into this agreement with the Website. The Website reserves the right to change these terms at its sole discretion at any time. If there is any change to these terms, a notice will be posted on the Website. The revised terms will be effective immediately upon posted on the Website.

2. Copyright and speech issues: in the process of using the Website, users shall not release any speech in violation of the interests of the CPC and the nation, leaking state secrets, damaging the reputation of others or infringing upon the copyright of others. Copyright issues arising from the content released by the user and all disputes or consequences caused by any content that constitutes defamation, slander or attack on other people shall be borne by the user, and the Website shall not be liable for any of it. The Website respects any and all rights of others and requires our users to do the same.

3. Business activities: the Website allows users to have business operations legally in the process of using the Website, provided that users shall be solely responsible for consequences caused by their negligence and the Website, as an official site, shall have no relation to any and all business activities not officially approved by it.

4. User’s information: “your information” includes any information provided by you to the Website or other users in the process of your registration with the Website, use of its service process, on any information disclosure occasion or through any form of e-mail. You shall be solely responsible for “your information”, and the Website is only a passive channel for your online distribution and publication of “your information”.

5. Account security: you will select a username and a password when registering with the Website. You shall be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your username and password and for all activities that occur under your username and password.

6. All contents published on the Website, including text, image, audio, video, software, program, and webpage layout design, enjoy their intellectual property rights, and no media, website or individual may reproduce, link, repost or otherwise copy for release/publication without the authorization of the Website.

The copyright vests in the Website and the original author/translator and no reproduction is allowed without permission. For illegal repost, SJTU-BOC Institute of Technology & Finance and the author/ translator reserve the right to investigate the accountability by legal means.

The right of interpretation of the above statement shall be subject to SJTU-BOC Institute of Technology & Finance.

